Blood Miners vs Cougars

Created - Dienstag, 9. Juli 2024 at 16:06

1 2 3 T
Blood Miners 0 0 1 1
Cougars 1 0 1 2
1 2 3 T
Blood Miners 4 20 7 31
Cougars 6 6 7 19

1st period

1. Cougars , Lassi Thomson 1 (Filip Kral 3, Drew OConnor 3) at 2:59 (PP)

Penalties :
Austin Watson (DAH) for Tripping (Minor) at 2:51

2nd period

No Goal

Penalties :
No Penalty

3rd period

2. Blood Miners , Cole Koepke 2 (Dan Renouf 1, Samuel Fagemo 1) at 7:17
3. Cougars , John Leonard 3 (Victor Soderstrom 3, Filip Kral 4) at 7:29

Penalties :
Aapeli Rasanen (VIC) for Interference (Minor) at 0:42, Austin Watson (DAH) for Holding (Minor) at 8:57

Goalie Stats

Antoine Bibeau (DAH), 17 saves from 19 shots - (0,895), L, 1-3-0, 59:03 minutes
Matteus Ward (VIC), 30 saves from 31 shots - (0,968), W, 3-1-0, 60:00 minutes

Players Stats for Blood Miners

Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB GA TA FO     MP     PP MP  PK MP  
Adam Ginning             0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  1  0  0/0    20:55   0:54   0:53 
Arnaud Durandeau         0  0  0   1  0   4  2  0  0  0  2/4    17:21   0:00   0:17 
Austin Watson            0  0  0  -1  4   3  2  2  0  1  4/11   20:16   1:08   0:00 
Cam Dineen               0  0  0   0  0   1  0  0  0  0  0/0    18:07   0:00   0:00 
Chase Priskie            0  0  0   0  0   2  0  0  0  0  0/0    20:58   1:05   1:14 
Clark Bishop             0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/1     3:05   0:00   0:00 
Cole Koepke              1  0  1   0  0   3  2  0  0  0  8/12   20:14   0:00   0:46 
Dan Renouf               0  1  1   0  0   1  1  1  0  0  0/0    20:11   0:54   0:53 
Jake Neighbours          0  0  0   0  0   3  3  0  2  0  0/1    18:10   1:08   0:52 
Jeff Malott              0  0  0  -1  0   0  0  1  0  0  0/1     9:32   0:00   0:00 
Jeffrey Viel             0  0  0   0  0   3  2  1  0  1  0/0    17:46   0:51   0:52 
Justin Richards          0  0  0   0  0   1  0  0  0  0  2/4    17:43   0:51   0:29 
Leon Gawanke             0  0  0   0  0   0  0  1  0  1  0/0    19:33   0:00   0:00 
Philippe Daoust          0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:00   0:00   0:00 
Rem Pitlick              0  0  0   0  0   5  3  0  0  0  1/1    19:56   1:08   0:58 
Ross Johnston            0  0  0   0  0   2  2  0  1  1  0/0    16:59   0:51   0:00 
Samuel Fagemo            0  1  1   1  0   3  1  0  1  0  0/2    16:49   0:00   0:00 
Tobias Bjornfot          0  0  0   0  0   0  1  1  0  0  0/0    20:16   1:05   1:14 

Players Stats for Cougars

Player Name              G  A  P  +/- PIM S  H  SB GA TA FO     MP     PP MP  PK MP  
Aapeli Rasanen           0  0  0   0  2   0  1  1  0  0  1/4    16:32   0:00   0:00 
Brayden Pachal           0  0  0   0  0   1  0  1  0  0  0/0    16:28   0:00   0:00 
Damien Giroux            0  0  0   0  0   0  1  0  0  0  2/2    18:29   0:00   0:00 
Drew OConnor             0  1  1   0  0   1  1  0  0  1  4/9    18:13   1:04   0:00 
Ethan De Jong            0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  2  0/2    18:33   1:03   1:08 
Filip Kral               0  2  2   0  0   2  0  1  0  0  0/0    23:45   0:55   1:02 
John Leonard             1  0  1   0  0   2  1  1  0  0  1/2    21:23   1:03   1:08 
Joona Koppanen           0  0  0   1  0   4  3  3  0  0  2/3    21:59   1:03   0:00 
Lassi Thomson            1  0  1   0  0   1  1  0  2  1  0/0    20:58   0:55   0:57 
Luke Hughes              0  0  0  -1  0   0  1  1  0  0  0/0    15:13   0:00   0:00 
Reilly Walsh             0  0  0   0  0   0  1  1  0  0  0/0     3:29   0:00   0:00 
Riley Tufte              0  0  0  -1  0   0  1  0  1  1  2/3    18:07   1:04   0:51 
Roman Schmidt            0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:59   0:00   0:00 
Rourke Chartier          0  0  0   0  0   2  0  0  0  0  8/12   21:22   1:04   0:51 
Ryan Jones.              0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0    20:08   1:12   0:57 
Samuel Walker            0  0  0   0  0   1  1  1  0  0  0/0    16:04   0:00   0:00 
Victor Soderstrom        0  1  1   1  0   5  1  2  1  0  0/0    25:22   1:12   1:02 
Xavier Simoneau          0  0  0   0  0   0  0  0  0  0  0/0     0:56   0:00   0:00 

3 Stars

1 - Matteus Ward (VIC)
2 - John Leonard (VIC)
3 - Lassi Thomson (VIC)

Power Play

Blood Miners - 0 on 1 Attempt(s) - 0,00%
Cougars - 1 on 2 Attempt(s) - 50,00%

Penalty Kill

Blood Miners - 1 on 2 Attempt(s) - 50,00% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill
Cougars - 1 on 1 Attempt(s) - 100,00% - Score 0 goal in Penalty Kill

Team Stat

Blood Miners - Hits : 19 - Faceoff Wins : 17 - Blocked Shots : 7 - Penalty Minutes : 4
Cougars - Hits : 13 - Faceoff Wins : 20 - Blocked Shots : 12 - Penalty Minutes : 2


Referees : Unknown
Linesman : Unknown

Game Notes

No Game Note


Level 1 -- Attendance: 2500 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income € 75.000
Level 2 -- Attendance: 5500 (100,00%) -- Ticket Income € 66.000
Total Attendance: 8000 (100,00%)
Total Ticket Income: € 141.000
Other Income: € 28.200
Total Income: € 169.200

Blood Miners

5 vs 5 Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Austin Watson            Rem Pitlick              Jake Neighbours          28     1   2  2  
 2 Justin Richards          Jeffrey Viel             Ross Johnston            28     1   2  2  
 3 Cole Koepke              Samuel Fagemo            Arnaud Durandeau         25     1   2  2  
 4 Austin Watson            Cole Koepke              Jeff Malott              19     1   2  2  

5 vs 5 Defense 
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Adam Ginning             Dan Renouf                                        34     1   2  2  
 2 Tobias Bjornfot          Cam Dineen                                        33     1   2  2  
 3 Chase Priskie            Leon Gawanke                                      33     1   2  2  
 4 Adam Ginning             Dan Renouf                                        0      1   2  2  

PowerPlay Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Austin Watson            Rem Pitlick              Jake Neighbours          50     1   2  2  
 2 Justin Richards          Jeffrey Viel             Ross Johnston            50     1   2  2  

PowerPlay Defense
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Adam Ginning             Dan Renouf                                        50     1   2  2  
 2 Tobias Bjornfot          Chase Priskie                                     50     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Austin Watson            Rem Pitlick              50     1   2  2  
 2 Jake Neighbours          Jeffrey Viel             50     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Adam Ginning             Dan Renouf               50     1   2  2  
 2 Tobias Bjornfot          Chase Priskie            50     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward 
   Forward                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Austin Watson                                     50     1   2  2  
 2 Rem Pitlick                                       50     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Adam Ginning             Dan Renouf               50     1   2  2  
 2 Tobias Bjornfot          Chase Priskie            50     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Austin Watson            Rem Pitlick              50     1   2  2  
 2 Jake Neighbours          Jeffrey Viel             50     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Adam Ginning             Dan Renouf               50     1   2  2  
 2 Tobias Bjornfot          Chase Priskie            50     1   2  2  

Last Minutes Offensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Austin Watson            Rem Pitlick              Jake Neighbours          Adam Ginning             Dan Renouf               

Last Minutes Defensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   Austin Watson            Rem Pitlick              Jake Neighbours          Adam Ginning             Dan Renouf               

Starting : Antoine Bibeau           
Backup : Calle Clang              

Extra Forwards
Normal : Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau, Cole Koepke - PP : Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau - PK : Cole Koepke
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Chase Priskie, Adam Ginning, Tobias Bjornfot - PP : Chase Priskie - PK : Dan Renouf, Tobias Bjornfot
Penalty Shots
Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston

Jasper Weatherby (Healthy), Kim Nousiainen (Healthy), Cross Hanas (Healthy), William Villeneuve (Healthy), Karl Henriksson (Healthy)
Ryan Winterton (Healthy), Jon Lizotte (Healthy), Blake McLaughlin (Healthy), Riley Kidney (Healthy), Joshua Lopina (Healthy)
Nicholas Porco (Healthy), Johan Larsson (Healthy), Henri Nikkanen (Healthy), Matthew Maggio (Healthy), Amadeus Lombardi (Healthy)
Alexis Gendron (Healthy), Garin Bjorklund (Healthy), Dan Vladar (Bruised Left Arm Injury)


5 vs 5 Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Drew OConnor             Damien Giroux            Joona Koppanen           28     1   2  2  
 2 Rourke Chartier          Riley Tufte              John Leonard             28     1   2  2  
 3 Aapeli Rasanen           Samuel Walker            Ethan De Jong            25     1   2  2  
 4 Rourke Chartier          Joona Koppanen           John Leonard             19     1   2  2  

5 vs 5 Defense 
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Luke Hughes              Filip Kral                                        28     1   2  2  
 2 Brayden Pachal           Victor Soderstrom                                 28     1   2  2  
 3 Lassi Thomson            Ryan Jones.                                       25     1   2  2  
 4 Victor Soderstrom        Filip Kral                                        19     1   2  2  

PowerPlay Forward 
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Riley Tufte              Drew OConnor             Rourke Chartier          50     1   2  2  
 2 Joona Koppanen           Ethan De Jong            John Leonard             50     1   2  2  

PowerPlay Defense
   Defense                  Defense                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Victor Soderstrom        Ryan Jones.                                       50     1   2  2  
 2 Filip Kral               Lassi Thomson                                     50     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Ethan De Jong            John Leonard             50     1   2  2  
 2 Riley Tufte              Rourke Chartier          50     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill 4 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Ryan Jones.              Lassi Thomson            50     1   2  2  
 2 Victor Soderstrom        Filip Kral               50     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Forward 
   Forward                                           Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Rourke Chartier                                   50     1   2  2  
 2 John Leonard                                      50     1   2  2  

Penalty Kill - 3 Players Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Ryan Jones.              Victor Soderstrom        50     1   2  2  
 2 Lassi Thomson            Filip Kral               50     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Forward 
   Center                   Wing                     Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Rourke Chartier          Riley Tufte              50     1   2  2  
 2 John Leonard             Ethan De Jong            50     1   2  2  

4 vs 4 Defense
   Defense                  Defense                  Time % Phy DF OF 
 1 Victor Soderstrom        Filip Kral               50     1   2  2  
 2 Ryan Jones.              Brayden Pachal           50     1   2  2  

Last Minutes Offensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   John Leonard             Drew OConnor             Rourke Chartier          Filip Kral               Victor Soderstrom        

Last Minutes Defensive
   Center                   Left Wing                Right Wing               Defense                  Defense                  
   John Leonard             Drew OConnor             Rourke Chartier          Filip Kral               Victor Soderstrom        

Starting : Matteus Ward             
Backup : Jacob Kucharski          

Extra Forwards
Normal : Rourke Chartier, John Leonard, Riley Tufte - PP : Riley Tufte, John Leonard - PK : John Leonard
Extra Defensemen
Normal : Lassi Thomson, Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral - PP : Victor Soderstrom - PK : Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral
Penalty Shots
John Leonard, Joona Koppanen, Ethan De Jong, Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte

David Cotton (Healthy), Philip Kemp (Healthy), Kale Howarth (Healthy), Logan Cockerill (Healthy), Alexander Green (Healthy)
Victor Berglund (Healthy), Ville Koivunen (Healthy), Simon Kjellberg (Healthy), Greg Meireles (Healthy), Matias Mantykivi (Healthy)

% Time on Ice - Blood Miners

Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 27% - 28% - 14:45
2 - 33% - 28% - 18:19
3 - 25% - 25% - 13:24
4 - 15% - 19% - 8:13
Normal Defense
1 - 34% - 34% - 18:22
2 - 33% - 33% - 18:19
3 - 33% - 33% - 17:58
4 - 0% - 0% - 0:02
PP Forward
1 - 57% - 50% - 1:08
2 - 43% - 50% - 0:51
PP Defense
1 - 45% - 50% - 0:54
2 - 55% - 50% - 1:05
PK Forward
1 - 59% - 50% - 1:15
2 - 41% - 50% - 0:52
PK Defense
1 - 42% - 50% - 0:53
2 - 58% - 50% - 1:14
PK3 Forward
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
PK3 Defense
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
44 Forward
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
44 Defense
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
Last Minute Offensive  - 1:13
Last Minute Defensive  - 0:00
Forward - 60:00
Defense - 60:00

% Time on Ice - Cougars

Lines # - Real PCT - Wanted PCT - Time Play
Normal Forward
1 - 28% - 28% - 15:14
2 - 32% - 28% - 17:24
3 - 28% - 25% - 15:12
4 - 13% - 19% - 6:50
Normal Defense
1 - 28% - 28% - 15:13
2 - 28% - 28% - 15:18
3 - 31% - 25% - 16:47
4 - 13% - 19% - 7:22
PP Forward
1 - 50% - 50% - 1:04
2 - 50% - 50% - 1:03
PP Defense
1 - 57% - 50% - 1:12
2 - 43% - 50% - 0:55
PK Forward
1 - 57% - 50% - 1:08
2 - 43% - 50% - 0:51
PK Defense
1 - 48% - 50% - 0:57
2 - 52% - 50% - 1:02
PK3 Forward
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
PK3 Defense
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
44 Forward
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
44 Defense
1 - 0% - 50%
2 - 0% - 50%
Last Minute Offensive  - 0:00
Last Minute Defensive  - 1:14
Forward - 60:00
Defense - 60:00


1st period

0:01 of 1st period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in neutral zone.
0:11 of 1st period - Jake Neighbours is hit by Damien Giroux and loses puck.
0:37 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Victor Soderstrom.
0:37 of 1st period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau without a rebound.
0:38 of 1st period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Aapeli Rasanen in Blood Miners zone.
1:12 of 1st period - Snap shot by Rourke Chartier.
1:12 of 1st period - Shot Hit the Post.
1:14 of 1st period - Slapshot by Filip Kral.
1:14 of 1st period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
1:33 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Justin Richards.
1:33 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Filip Kral.
2:21 of 1st period - Snap shot by Rem Pitlick.
2:21 of 1st period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
2:43 of 1st period - Jeff Malott is hit by Joona Koppanen.
2:51 of 1st period - Minor Penalty to Austin Watson for Tripping.
2:52 of 1st period - Riley Tufte wins face-off versus Jake Neighbours in Blood Miners zone.
2:53 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Drew OConnor.
2:53 of 1st period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
2:55 of 1st period - Snap shot by Lassi Thomson.
2:55 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Dan Renouf.
2:57 of 1st period - Snap shot by Filip Kral.
2:57 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
2:59 of 1st period - Slapshot by Lassi Thomson.
2:59 of 1st period - Goal by Lassi Thomson - Blood Miners : 0 - Cougars : 1.
3:00 of 1st period - Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Austin Watson in neutral zone.
3:25 of 1st period - Dan Renouf is hit by Aapeli Rasanen and loses puck.
3:52 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Austin Watson.
3:52 of 1st period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
3:54 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Jake Neighbours.
3:54 of 1st period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
3:56 of 1st period - Slapshot by Dan Renouf.
3:56 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Joona Koppanen.
5:01 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Rem Pitlick.
5:01 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Joona Koppanen.
5:12 of 1st period - Off-side.
5:13 of 1st period - Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Austin Watson in neutral zone.
5:26 of 1st period - Snap shot by Rourke Chartier.
5:26 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:38 of 1st period - Tobias Bjornfot is hit by Samuel Walker and loses puck.
5:45 of 1st period - Slapshot by Cam Dineen.
5:45 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
5:47 of 1st period - Snap shot by Jeffrey Viel.
5:47 of 1st period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:01 of 1st period - Cole Koepke is hit by Joona Koppanen and loses puck.
6:06 of 1st period - Wrist shot by Joona Koppanen.
6:06 of 1st period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
6:28 of 1st period - Snap shot by Rem Pitlick.
6:28 of 1st period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
7:20 of 1st period - Slapshot by Samuel Walker.
7:20 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Tobias Bjornfot.
7:44 of 1st period - Snap shot by Joona Koppanen.
7:44 of 1st period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
8:38 of 1st period - Ethan De Jong is hit by Jeffrey Viel and loses puck.
9:32 of 1st period - Rourke Chartier is hit by Arnaud Durandeau and loses puck.
10:17 of 1st period - Aapeli Rasanen is hit by Cole Koepke.
11:26 of 1st period - Drew OConnor is hit by Tobias Bjornfot and loses puck.
12:12 of 1st period - Icing by Jeffrey Viel.
12:13 of 1st period - Aapeli Rasanen wins face-off versus Samuel Fagemo in Blood Miners zone.
16:07 of 1st period - Cole Koepke is hit by John Leonard and loses puck.
17:12 of 1st period - Snap shot by Cole Koepke.
17:12 of 1st period - Shot Blocked by Luke Hughes.
19:53 of 1st period - Icing by Drew OConnor.
19:54 of 1st period - Drew OConnor wins face-off versus Samuel Fagemo in Cougars zone.
Goals for this period are 0 for Blood Miners vs 1 for Cougars.
Shots for this period are 4 for Blood Miners vs 6 for Cougars.

2nd period

0:01 of 2nd period - Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in neutral zone.
0:10 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Rourke Chartier.
0:10 of 2nd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau without a rebound.
0:11 of 2nd period - Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Arnaud Durandeau in Blood Miners zone.
0:14 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Joona Koppanen.
0:14 of 2nd period - Deflect By John Leonard.
0:14 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:14 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
0:15 of 2nd period - Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Blood Miners zone.
0:41 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom.
0:41 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:43 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom.
0:43 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
0:47 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Samuel Walker.
0:47 of 2nd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
1:13 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jeffrey Viel.
1:13 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
1:16 of 2nd period - Icing by Drew OConnor.
1:17 of 2nd period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in Cougars zone.
1:20 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo.
1:20 of 2nd period - Deflect By Arnaud Durandeau.
1:20 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
1:23 of 2nd period - Icing by Drew OConnor.
1:24 of 2nd period - Arnaud Durandeau wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in Cougars zone.
1:29 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Arnaud Durandeau.
1:29 of 2nd period - Deflect By Samuel Fagemo.
1:29 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
1:30 of 2nd period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Rourke Chartier in Cougars zone.
1:37 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Cole Koepke.
1:37 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:45 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom.
1:45 of 2nd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau without a rebound.
1:46 of 2nd period - Justin Richards wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in Blood Miners zone.
1:51 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Justin Richards.
1:51 of 2nd period - Deflect By Jeffrey Viel.
1:51 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
1:53 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Justin Richards.
1:53 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
1:55 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Leon Gawanke.
1:55 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Joona Koppanen.
2:21 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brayden Pachal.
2:21 of 2nd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau without a rebound.
2:22 of 2nd period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Riley Tufte in Blood Miners zone.
3:18 of 2nd period - Leon Gawanke is hit by Drew OConnor and loses puck.
3:41 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Rourke Chartier.
3:41 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Leon Gawanke.
6:23 of 2nd period - Filip Kral is hit by Jeffrey Viel and loses puck.
10:49 of 2nd period - Icing by Victor Soderstrom.
10:50 of 2nd period - Joona Koppanen wins face-off versus Arnaud Durandeau in Cougars zone.
10:50 of 2nd period - Joona Koppanen is hit by Jake Neighbours.
11:12 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Justin Richards.
11:12 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
11:14 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cam Dineen.
11:14 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Brayden Pachal.
11:16 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Tobias Bjornfot.
11:16 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:18 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cam Dineen.
11:18 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
11:19 of 2nd period - Drew OConnor wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Cougars zone.
11:53 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom.
11:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
11:55 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brayden Pachal.
11:55 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:57 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Riley Tufte.
11:57 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
11:59 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Brayden Pachal.
11:59 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
12:09 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Jake Neighbours.
12:09 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
12:10 of 2nd period - Damien Giroux wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Cougars zone.
12:39 of 2nd period - Icing by Tobias Bjornfot.
12:40 of 2nd period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Rourke Chartier in Blood Miners zone.
13:11 of 2nd period - Riley Tufte is hit by Samuel Fagemo and loses puck.
13:30 of 2nd period - Cam Dineen is hit by Riley Tufte and loses puck.
13:43 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo.
13:43 of 2nd period - Deflect By Cole Koepke.
13:43 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by John Leonard.
13:43 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
13:44 of 2nd period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in Cougars zone.
14:15 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Ross Johnston.
14:15 of 2nd period - Deflect By Lassi Thomson.
14:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
14:17 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jeffrey Viel.
14:17 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
14:19 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Ross Johnston.
14:19 of 2nd period - Deflect By Justin Richards.
14:19 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
14:19 of 2nd period - Puck is out of play.
14:20 of 2nd period - Drew OConnor wins face-off versus Justin Richards in Cougars zone.
14:45 of 2nd period - Aapeli Rasanen is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck.
14:50 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Rem Pitlick.
14:50 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
14:51 of 2nd period - Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Cougars zone.
15:04 of 2nd period - Cam Dineen is hit by Joona Koppanen and loses puck.
16:05 of 2nd period - Backhand shot by Rem Pitlick.
16:05 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:07 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Jake Neighbours.
16:07 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
16:09 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Cam Dineen.
16:09 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Victor Soderstrom.
16:11 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Rem Pitlick.
16:11 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:13 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Rem Pitlick.
16:13 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:15 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Rem Pitlick.
16:15 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
16:17 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Austin Watson.
16:17 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
16:18 of 2nd period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Aapeli Rasanen in Cougars zone.
16:21 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Cole Koepke.
16:21 of 2nd period - Deflect By Samuel Fagemo.
16:21 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
16:23 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo.
16:23 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:25 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Leon Gawanke.
16:25 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:27 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Chase Priskie.
16:27 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
16:28 of 2nd period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Ethan De Jong in Cougars zone.
16:45 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Samuel Fagemo.
16:45 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Aapeli Rasanen.
16:47 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
16:47 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:49 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Cole Koepke.
16:49 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:51 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo.
16:51 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Victor Soderstrom.
16:53 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Leon Gawanke.
16:53 of 2nd period - Deflect By Cole Koepke.
16:53 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
16:55 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo.
16:55 of 2nd period - Shot Misses the Net.
16:57 of 2nd period - Wrist shot by Arnaud Durandeau.
16:57 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
16:59 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Chase Priskie.
16:59 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
17:01 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Samuel Fagemo.
17:01 of 2nd period - Shot Blocked by Samuel Walker.
17:03 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Samuel Fagemo.
17:03 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
17:04 of 2nd period - Justin Richards wins face-off versus John Leonard in Cougars zone.
17:11 of 2nd period - Slapshot by Ross Johnston.
17:11 of 2nd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
17:30 of 2nd period - Luke Hughes is hit by Austin Watson.
18:52 of 2nd period - Snap shot by Victor Soderstrom.
18:52 of 2nd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
19:02 of 2nd period - Rem Pitlick is hit by Luke Hughes and loses puck.
Goals for this period are 0 for Blood Miners vs 0 for Cougars.
Shots for this period are 20 for Blood Miners vs 6 for Cougars.

3rd period

0:01 of 3rd period - John Leonard wins face-off versus Austin Watson in neutral zone.
0:04 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom.
0:04 of 3rd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
0:06 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Filip Kral.
0:06 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Austin Watson.
0:08 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Filip Kral.
0:08 of 3rd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
0:10 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Filip Kral.
0:10 of 3rd period - Deflect By Rourke Chartier.
0:10 of 3rd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
0:12 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by John Leonard.
0:12 of 3rd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
0:26 of 3rd period - Victor Soderstrom is hit by Ross Johnston.
0:42 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Aapeli Rasanen for Interference.
0:43 of 3rd period - Austin Watson wins face-off versus Ethan De Jong in Cougars zone.
0:56 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Austin Watson.
0:56 of 3rd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
0:57 of 3rd period - Riley Tufte wins face-off versus Justin Richards in Cougars zone.
1:06 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom.
1:06 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Jeffrey Viel.
1:22 of 3rd period - Victor Soderstrom is hit by Rem Pitlick and loses puck.
2:38 of 3rd period - John Leonard is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck.
2:42 of 3rd period - Penalty to Aapeli Rasanen is over, Aapeli Rasanen is back on ice.
2:49 of 3rd period - Joona Koppanen is hit by Cole Koepke and loses puck.
2:57 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Arnaud Durandeau.
2:57 of 3rd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.
2:59 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Cole Koepke.
2:59 of 3rd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
3:00 of 3rd period - Drew OConnor wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Cougars zone.
3:11 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Drew OConnor.
3:11 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
4:13 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Aapeli Rasanen.
4:13 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Austin Watson.
4:17 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Samuel Walker.
4:17 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Jeff Malott.
4:58 of 3rd period - Ryan Jones. is hit by Rem Pitlick and loses puck.
5:13 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Chase Priskie.
5:13 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
6:31 of 3rd period - Icing by John Leonard.
6:32 of 3rd period - Arnaud Durandeau wins face-off versus Aapeli Rasanen in Cougars zone.
7:09 of 3rd period - Off-side.
7:10 of 3rd period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Rourke Chartier in neutral zone.
7:13 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo.
7:13 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:15 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Dan Renouf.
7:15 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:17 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Cole Koepke.
7:17 of 3rd period - Goal by Cole Koepke - Blood Miners : 1 - Cougars : 1.
7:18 of 3rd period - Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Austin Watson in neutral zone.
7:27 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Victor Soderstrom.
7:27 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
7:29 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by John Leonard.
7:29 of 3rd period - Goal by John Leonard - Blood Miners : 1 - Cougars : 2.
7:30 of 3rd period - Joona Koppanen wins face-off versus Jeff Malott in neutral zone.
7:34 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Rourke Chartier.
7:34 of 3rd period - Deflect By Joona Koppanen.
7:34 of 3rd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
7:36 of 3rd period - Slapshot by Joona Koppanen.
7:36 of 3rd period - Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound.
8:27 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Justin Richards.
8:27 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:29 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Dan Renouf.
8:29 of 3rd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
8:30 of 3rd period - Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Rourke Chartier in Cougars zone.
8:33 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Arnaud Durandeau.
8:33 of 3rd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
8:34 of 3rd period - Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Cougars zone.
8:45 of 3rd period - Snap shot by Arnaud Durandeau.
8:45 of 3rd period - Shot Misses the Net.
8:57 of 3rd period - Minor Penalty to Austin Watson for Holding.
8:58 of 3rd period - Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Joona Koppanen in Blood Miners zone.
9:25 of 3rd period - Tobias Bjornfot is hit by Victor Soderstrom and loses puck.
10:36 of 3rd period - Ryan Jones. is hit by Arnaud Durandeau and loses puck.
10:57 of 3rd period - Penalty to Austin Watson is over, Austin Watson is back on ice.
11:14 of 3rd period - Cam Dineen is hit by Lassi Thomson and loses puck.
11:33 of 3rd period - Victor Soderstrom is hit by Dan Renouf and loses puck.
13:38 of 3rd period - Chase Priskie is hit by Reilly Walsh.
15:06 of 3rd period - Ethan De Jong is hit by Ross Johnston and loses puck.
17:00 of 3rd period - Riley Tufte is hit by Rem Pitlick.
19:00 of 3rd period - Joona Koppanen is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck.
19:03 of 3rd period - Blood Miners, Antoine Bibeau is pulled from the net.
19:33 of 3rd period - Backhand shot by Jake Neighbours.
19:33 of 3rd period - Shot Blocked by Reilly Walsh.
19:35 of 3rd period - Wrist shot by Chase Priskie.
19:35 of 3rd period - Deflect By Rem Pitlick.
19:35 of 3rd period - Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.
19:36 of 3rd period - Glen Gulutzan call a timeout for Blood Miners.
19:36 of 3rd period - Damien Giroux wins face-off versus Clark Bishop in Cougars zone.
Goals for this period are 1 for Blood Miners vs 1 for Cougars.
Shots for this period are 7 for Blood Miners vs 7 for Cougars.

Full Play-by-Play

1st period

Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Luke Hughes. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Luke Hughes. Puck retreived by Adam Ginning. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Luke Hughes in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Luke Hughes. Puck retreived by Jake Neighbours. Jake Neighbours is hit by Damien Giroux and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Joona Koppanen for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Puck retreived by John Leonard. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in neutral zone. Ross Johnston stole the puck from Victor Soderstrom. Pass by Ross Johnston intercepted by Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in Blood Miners zone. Wrist shot by Victor Soderstrom. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Aapeli Rasanen in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Ethan De Jong stole the puck from Samuel Fagemo. Pass to Samuel Walker. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass to Samuel Walker. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass to Ethan De Jong. Pass to Samuel Walker. Samuel Walker loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Lassi Thomson for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau.

Time : 1. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Joona Koppanen. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Snap shot by Rourke Chartier. Shot Hit the Post. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Kral for Cougars. Slapshot by Filip Kral. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Kral for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Pass by Ross Johnston intercepted by Damien Giroux in Cougars zone. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Puck retreived by Tobias Bjornfot. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Justin Richards in Cougars zone. Wrist shot by Justin Richards. Shot Blocked by Filip Kral. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeffrey Viel for Blood Miners. Pass to Ross Johnston. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Austin Watson. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeff Malott in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners.

Time : 2. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Drew OConnor moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Damien Giroux. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Damien Giroux. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Ross Johnston moves puck in Cougars zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Snap shot by Rem Pitlick. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Lassi Thomson for Cougars. Pass to Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Leon Gawanke in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Puck retreived by Jeff Malott. Jeff Malott is hit by Joona Koppanen. Pass by Jeff Malott intercepted by Damien Giroux. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Minor Penalty to Austin Watson for Tripping. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jake Neighbours, Jeffrey Viel are on ice for Blood Miners. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Tufte, Drew OConnor, Rourke Chartier are on ice for Cougars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Kral, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Riley Tufte wins face-off versus Jake Neighbours in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Drew OConnor. Wrist shot by Drew OConnor. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Lassi Thomson for Cougars. Snap shot by Lassi Thomson. Shot Blocked by Dan Renouf. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Kral for Cougars. Snap shot by Filip Kral. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Lassi Thomson for Cougars. Slapshot by Lassi Thomson. Goal by Lassi Thomson - Blood Miners : 0 - Cougars : 1.

Time : 3. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Austin Watson in neutral zone. Pass to John Leonard. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Austin Watson in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Brayden Pachal in Cougars zone. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Dan Renouf. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Rourke Chartier. Pass by Rourke Chartier intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Puck retreived by Dan Renouf. Dan Renouf is hit by Aapeli Rasanen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Justin Richards. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Filip Kral. Pass to Samuel Walker. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Ross Johnston. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Luke Hughes in Cougars zone. Pass by Luke Hughes intercepted by Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Pass to Austin Watson. Austin Watson moves puck in Cougars zone. Wrist shot by Austin Watson. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Jake Neighbours. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Dan Renouf. Shot Blocked by Joona Koppanen. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Adam Ginning.

Time : 4. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Filip Kral intercepted by Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Luke Hughes. Pass by Luke Hughes intercepted by Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by John Leonard. Pass to Rourke Chartier in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Riley Tufte. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Samuel Fagemo. Pass by Samuel Fagemo intercepted by Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Justin Richards. Justin Richards moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Victor Soderstrom in Cougars zone. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jake Neighbours in Cougars zone.

Time : 5. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Wrist shot by Rem Pitlick. Shot Blocked by Joona Koppanen. Free Puck Retrieved by Lassi Thomson for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Austin Watson in neutral zone. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Riley Tufte in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Snap shot by Rourke Chartier. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Blood Miners. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Puck retreived by Tobias Bjornfot. Tobias Bjornfot is hit by Samuel Walker and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Cam Dineen moves puck in neutral zone. Cam Dineen moves puck in Cougars zone. Slapshot by Cam Dineen. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeffrey Viel for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Jeffrey Viel. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Samuel Walker. Pass by Samuel Walker intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Drew OConnor in Cougars zone. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone.

Time : 6. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Puck retreived by Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke is hit by Joona Koppanen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew OConnor for Cougars. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Wrist shot by Joona Koppanen. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Damien Giroux for Cougars. Pass by Damien Giroux intercepted by Samuel Fagemo. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass to Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Drew OConnor intercepted by Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick in Cougars zone. Snap shot by Rem Pitlick. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Pass by Lassi Thomson intercepted by Ross Johnston. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Justin Richards. Pass to Ross Johnston. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Justin Richards. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Pass by Lassi Thomson intercepted by Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Puck retreived by Ryan Jones.. Pass to Rourke Chartier in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners.

Time : 7. Pass to Riley Tufte. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Puck retreived by Austin Watson. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to John Leonard in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. John Leonard moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Samuel Walker. Slapshot by Samuel Walker. Shot Blocked by Tobias Bjornfot. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Blood Miners. Pass to Ross Johnston. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Joona Koppanen moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Snap shot by Joona Koppanen. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie for Blood Miners. Pass by Chase Priskie intercepted by Filip Kral in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Drew OConnor in Blood Miners zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Austin Watson, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Samuel Walker intercepted by Austin Watson. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson.

Time : 8. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Fagemo, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass to Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Arnaud Durandeau, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Drew OConnor moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Ethan De Jong is hit by Jeffrey Viel and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Austin Watson, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Puck retreived by Samuel Walker. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Ethan De Jong in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson.

Time : 9. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Drew OConnor intercepted by Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass by Rourke Chartier intercepted by Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Joona Koppanen. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Arnaud Durandeau, Rem Pitlick, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Puck retreived by Rourke Chartier. Rourke Chartier is hit by Arnaud Durandeau and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeff Malott for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass by Rourke Chartier intercepted by Justin Richards in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Dan Renouf.

Time : 10. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Riley Tufte. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Puck retreived by Aapeli Rasanen. Aapeli Rasanen is hit by Cole Koepke. Pass to Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Justin Richards, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Aapeli Rasanen, Joona Koppanen, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot. Pass by Tobias Bjornfot intercepted by Lassi Thomson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Walker, Riley Tufte, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Walker, Reilly Walsh, Roman Schmidt are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Filip Kral in neutral zone.

Time : 11. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Luke Hughes intercepted by Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Drew OConnor. Pass by Drew OConnor intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Clark Bishop, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Puck retreived by Drew OConnor. Drew OConnor is hit by Tobias Bjornfot and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Damien Giroux for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Reilly Walsh are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor. Drew OConnor moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeff Malott. Pass by Jeff Malott intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, John Leonard, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Justin Richards in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Ethan De Jong in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Ryan Jones., Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Austin Watson, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners.

Time : 12. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Samuel Fagemo, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Puck retreived by Jeffrey Viel. Icing by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Aapeli Rasanen wins face-off versus Samuel Fagemo in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Drew OConnor. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Luke Hughes. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Filip Kral in Cougars zone. Pass to Ethan De Jong in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Justin Richards. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by John Leonard in Cougars zone. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Justin Richards in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Damien Giroux. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo.

Time : 13. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass to John Leonard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Justin Richards. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Ethan De Jong. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Rem Pitlick moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Riley Tufte. Pass by Riley Tufte intercepted by Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Samuel Walker. Pass by Samuel Walker intercepted by Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Cam Dineen. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners.

Time : 14. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Ethan De Jong. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Chase Priskie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Chase Priskie. Puck retreived by Drew OConnor. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Samuel Fagemo intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Puck retreived by Ross Johnston. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Puck retreived by John Leonard. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Rourke Chartier moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Ross Johnston. Pass to Justin Richards. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Joona Koppanen. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars.

Time : 15. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Rourke Chartier moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Damien Giroux, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Puck retreived by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, Drew OConnor are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Samuel Walker intercepted by Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Riley Tufte, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Aapeli Rasanen moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Walker, Joona Koppanen, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Joona Koppanen in Cougars zone. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Ethan De Jong. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Drew OConnor, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Filip Kral, Aapeli Rasanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rem Pitlick, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners.

Time : 16. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Puck retreived by Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke is hit by John Leonard and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Jones. for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ryan Jones.. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Walker, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Riley Tufte. Riley Tufte moves puck in neutral zone. Jeffrey Viel stole the puck from Riley Tufte. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Drew OConnor, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Damien Giroux, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Chase Priskie. Pass by Chase Priskie intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Drew OConnor, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Clark Bishop, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Damien Giroux, Ryan Jones., Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Chase Priskie. Pass to Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Jeff Malott intercepted by Luke Hughes in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Drew OConnor, Aapeli Rasanen, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau.

Time : 17. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Jake Neighbours moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Filip Kral. Pass by Filip Kral intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Clark Bishop, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Walker, Joona Koppanen, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Cole Koepke in Cougars zone. Snap shot by Cole Koepke. Shot Blocked by Luke Hughes. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeff Malott for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Luke Hughes. Pass by Luke Hughes intercepted by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Richards, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Arnaud Durandeau, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Xavier Simoneau, Damien Giroux, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Filip Kral intercepted by Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rem Pitlick, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Drew OConnor, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Damien Giroux, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Fagemo, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Xavier Simoneau, Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Jeff Malott in Cougars zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Jeff Malott in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Arnaud Durandeau, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Reilly Walsh, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen.

Time : 18. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeff Malott in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass to Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Fagemo, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rem Pitlick, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Samuel Fagemo intercepted by John Leonard. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Damien Giroux in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Damien Giroux. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Riley Tufte, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Lassi Thomson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Damien Giroux, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Aapeli Rasanen, Reilly Walsh, Samuel Walker are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeff Malott. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Justin Richards, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Samuel Fagemo, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass to Drew OConnor. Drew OConnor moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Rourke Chartier in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Xavier Simoneau, Filip Kral, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Xavier Simoneau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Xavier Simoneau.

Time : 19. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Ross Johnston intercepted by Victor Soderstrom. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Clark Bishop, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Drew OConnor. Icing by Drew OConnor. Drew OConnor wins face-off versus Samuel Fagemo in Cougars zone. Pass to Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Filip Kral intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Luke Hughes in Cougars zone.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Blood Miners vs 1 for Cougars. Shots for this period are 4 for Blood Miners vs 6 for Cougars.

2nd period

Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Snap shot by Rourke Chartier. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Cole Koepke is ejected from face-off, Arnaud Durandeau takes his place. Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Arnaud Durandeau in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Wrist shot by Joona Koppanen. Deflect By John Leonard. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Blood Miners zone. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Arnaud Durandeau. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Samuel Fagemo moves puck in Cougars zone. Samuel Fagemo loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Blood Miners. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in Blood Miners zone. Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Soderstrom for Cougars. Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Victor Soderstrom for Cougars. Pass to Samuel Walker. Wrist shot by Samuel Walker. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Aapeli Rasanen for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Samuel Walker. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Austin Watson.

Time : 1. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Rem Pitlick moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Richards in Cougars zone. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Wrist shot by Jeffrey Viel. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew OConnor for Cougars. Icing by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in Cougars zone. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo. Deflect By Arnaud Durandeau. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew OConnor for Cougars. Icing by Drew OConnor. Cole Koepke is ejected from face-off, Arnaud Durandeau takes his place. Arnaud Durandeau wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in Cougars zone. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Slapshot by Arnaud Durandeau. Deflect By Samuel Fagemo. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Rourke Chartier in Cougars zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Victor Soderstrom. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Pass to Cole Koepke in Cougars zone. Wrist shot by Cole Koepke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by John Leonard for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in neutral zone. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Justin Richards wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Ross Johnston. Ross Johnston moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Richards in Cougars zone. Slapshot by Justin Richards. Deflect By Jeffrey Viel. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Richards for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Justin Richards. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Leon Gawanke. Shot Blocked by Joona Koppanen. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie for Blood Miners. Pass to Justin Richards.

Time : 2. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Joona Koppanen. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Chase Priskie. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Leon Gawanke. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Chase Priskie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Chase Priskie. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Brayden Pachal moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Slapshot by Brayden Pachal. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Rourke Chartier is ejected from face-off, Riley Tufte takes his place. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Riley Tufte in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Filip Kral. Pass to John Leonard. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot. Pass by Tobias Bjornfot intercepted by Luke Hughes in neutral zone. Pass by Luke Hughes intercepted by Arnaud Durandeau. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by John Leonard. Pass to Riley Tufte in Blood Miners zone. Pass by Riley Tufte intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Aapeli Rasanen moves puck in neutral zone. Aapeli Rasanen moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Samuel Walker. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone.

Time : 3. Pass to Austin Watson. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Luke Hughes. Pass to Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Ethan De Jong intercepted by Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Puck retreived by Damien Giroux. Pass to Filip Kral. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Puck retreived by Leon Gawanke. Leon Gawanke is hit by Drew OConnor and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie for Blood Miners. Chase Priskie moves puck in neutral zone. Chase Priskie loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ross Johnston for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Damien Giroux. Pass by Damien Giroux intercepted by Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Filip Kral in Cougars zone. Pass to Rourke Chartier in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Puck retreived by Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Luke Hughes. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Wrist shot by Rourke Chartier. Shot Blocked by Leon Gawanke. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Kral for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Arnaud Durandeau moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Chase Priskie in Blood Miners zone. Pass by Chase Priskie intercepted by Brayden Pachal in neutral zone.

Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Jake Neighbours moves puck in Cougars zone. Drew OConnor stole the puck from Jake Neighbours. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Ross Johnston intercepted by Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Austin Watson. Austin Watson moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Ryan Jones.. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Ryan Jones. intercepted by Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Pass by Ross Johnston intercepted by Lassi Thomson in Cougars zone. Pass to Drew OConnor. Drew OConnor moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass to Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Riley Tufte. Pass to John Leonard. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Austin Watson moves puck in Cougars zone. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Rourke Chartier.

Time : 5. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Lassi Thomson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Jeffrey Viel moves puck in Cougars zone. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Lassi Thomson. Pass to Rourke Chartier in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in Cougars zone. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick.

Time : 6. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Filip Kral. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Chase Priskie intercepted by Riley Tufte. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Justin Richards. Justin Richards moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Puck retreived by Filip Kral. Filip Kral is hit by Jeffrey Viel and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Dan Renouf. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to John Leonard. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Joona Koppanen in Cougars zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Brayden Pachal. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Leon Gawanke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Rourke Chartier in neutral zone.

Time : 7. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor. Drew OConnor moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Luke Hughes in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeff Malott. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Arnaud Durandeau, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot. Pass to Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cam Dineen.

Time : 8. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Damien Giroux. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Damien Giroux intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Riley Tufte. Pass by Riley Tufte intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Fagemo, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Samuel Walker. Pass to Ryan Jones. in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ryan Jones.. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Clark Bishop, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Ethan De Jong in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Samuel Fagemo intercepted by Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Xavier Simoneau, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Justin Richards moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Clark Bishop, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Riley Tufte. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to Lassi Thomson in neutral zone.

Time : 9. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Puck retreived by Rem Pitlick. Pass to Cam Dineen. Cam Dineen moves puck in neutral zone. Cam Dineen loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Rourke Chartier in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass to Ross Johnston. Pass to Adam Ginning in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Austin Watson, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass to Ryan Jones. in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Aapeli Rasanen, Lassi Thomson, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Clark Bishop, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ryan Jones.. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Xavier Simoneau, Filip Kral, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Filip Kral in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Xavier Simoneau, Lassi Thomson, Brayden Pachal are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Puck retreived by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners.

Time : 10. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Justin Richards in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Pass by Lassi Thomson intercepted by Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Chase Priskie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Damien Giroux. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Victor Soderstrom, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Damien Giroux intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Leon Gawanke. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rem Pitlick, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass to Ryan Jones. in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Drew OConnor, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ryan Jones.. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Chase Priskie in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Fagemo, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Victor Soderstrom, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Chase Priskie. Puck retreived by John Leonard. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Luke Hughes. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Arnaud Durandeau, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Icing by Victor Soderstrom. Drew OConnor is ejected from face-off, Joona Koppanen takes his place. Joona Koppanen wins face-off versus Arnaud Durandeau in Cougars zone. Pass to Luke Hughes. Joona Koppanen is hit by Jake Neighbours. Pass to Drew OConnor. Pass by Drew OConnor intercepted by Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Filip Kral in Cougars zone. Pass to Ethan De Jong.

Time : 11. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass to Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Justin Richards in Cougars zone. Snap shot by Justin Richards. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Cam Dineen. Shot Blocked by Brayden Pachal. Free Puck Retrieved by Tobias Bjornfot for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Tobias Bjornfot. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Cam Dineen. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Drew OConnor wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Cougars zone. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in Cougars zone. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass to Cole Koepke. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to John Leonard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Puck retreived by Justin Richards. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Rourke Chartier. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Cougars. Slapshot by Brayden Pachal. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Riley Tufte for Cougars. Wrist shot by Riley Tufte. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Cougars. Slapshot by Brayden Pachal. Shot Misses the Net.

Time : 12. Free Puck Retrieved by John Leonard for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours in Cougars zone. Slapshot by Jake Neighbours. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Drew OConnor is ejected from face-off, Damien Giroux takes his place. Damien Giroux wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Cougars zone. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass to Drew OConnor. Pass to Luke Hughes. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Drew OConnor moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Drew OConnor loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Blood Miners. Pass to Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Luke Hughes. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Drew OConnor moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass by Drew OConnor intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot. Icing by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Rourke Chartier in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass to Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Cam Dineen moves puck in Cougars zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by John Leonard. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Arnaud Durandeau. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Lassi Thomson. Pass to Rourke Chartier in neutral zone. Pass to John Leonard in Blood Miners zone.

Time : 13. Pass to Riley Tufte. Pass by Riley Tufte intercepted by Arnaud Durandeau. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Ryan Jones.. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Ryan Jones. intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot. Pass to Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cam Dineen. Puck retreived by Riley Tufte. Riley Tufte is hit by Samuel Fagemo and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau for Blood Miners. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Rourke Chartier. Pass to Filip Kral in neutral zone. Filip Kral moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Rourke Chartier. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Cam Dineen is hit by Riley Tufte and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Samuel Fagemo moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by Samuel Fagemo intercepted by Riley Tufte in Cougars zone. Pass by Riley Tufte intercepted by Chase Priskie in neutral zone. Chase Priskie moves puck in Cougars zone. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo. Deflect By Cole Koepke. Shot Blocked by John Leonard. Puck is out of play. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Drew OConnor in Cougars zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Ryan Jones.. Pass by Ryan Jones. intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Lassi Thomson stole the puck from Jake Neighbours. Pass by Lassi Thomson intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone.

Time : 14. Pass by Leon Gawanke intercepted by Ryan Jones.. Pass to Drew OConnor. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Jeffrey Viel moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Ross Johnston in Cougars zone. Wrist shot by Ross Johnston. Deflect By Lassi Thomson. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeffrey Viel for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Jeffrey Viel. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Ross Johnston for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Ross Johnston. Deflect By Justin Richards. Shot Misses the Net. Puck is out of play. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Drew OConnor wins face-off versus Justin Richards in Cougars zone. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Jeffrey Viel. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Drew OConnor in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass to Drew OConnor. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Drew OConnor. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Puck retreived by Aapeli Rasanen. Aapeli Rasanen is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Wrist shot by Rem Pitlick. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Austin Watson in Cougars zone. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Lassi Thomson moves puck in neutral zone. Austin Watson stole the puck from Lassi Thomson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Joona Koppanen in Cougars zone. Pass by Joona Koppanen intercepted by Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by John Leonard.

Time : 15. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ryan Jones.. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Cam Dineen is hit by Joona Koppanen and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Blood Miners. Jake Neighbours moves puck in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Jake Neighbours moves puck in Cougars zone. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Ryan Jones.. Pass by Ryan Jones. intercepted by Cam Dineen in Blood Miners zone. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Ryan Jones.. Pass by Ryan Jones. intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot. Pass to Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Cam Dineen moves puck in Cougars zone. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Joona Koppanen. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Pass by Ryan Jones. intercepted by Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours in Cougars zone. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Drew OConnor. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot. Pass by Tobias Bjornfot intercepted by John Leonard in neutral zone. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in Blood Miners zone. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Jake Neighbours moves puck in Cougars zone.

Time : 16. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Backhand shot by Rem Pitlick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Jake Neighbours. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Cam Dineen. Shot Blocked by Victor Soderstrom. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Rem Pitlick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Rem Pitlick. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Rem Pitlick. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Austin Watson. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Aapeli Rasanen in Cougars zone. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Pass to Cole Koepke. Snap shot by Cole Koepke. Deflect By Samuel Fagemo. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Leon Gawanke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Chase Priskie. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Aapeli Rasanen is ejected from face-off, Ethan De Jong takes his place. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Ethan De Jong in Cougars zone. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Brayden Pachal. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Samuel Fagemo moves puck in Cougars zone. Snap shot by Samuel Fagemo. Shot Blocked by Aapeli Rasanen. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Cole Koepke. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo. Shot Blocked by Victor Soderstrom. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Leon Gawanke. Deflect By Cole Koepke. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Arnaud Durandeau. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Chase Priskie. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound.

Time : 17. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Samuel Fagemo. Shot Blocked by Samuel Walker. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Samuel Fagemo. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Rourke Chartier is ejected from face-off, John Leonard takes his place. Justin Richards wins face-off versus John Leonard in Cougars zone. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Luke Hughes. Pass by Luke Hughes intercepted by Justin Richards in neutral zone. Pass to Ross Johnston in Cougars zone. Slapshot by Ross Johnston. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Kral for Cougars. Pass to Rourke Chartier in neutral zone. Pass by Rourke Chartier intercepted by Ross Johnston. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Puck retreived by Filip Kral. Pass by Filip Kral intercepted by Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Filip Kral intercepted by Jeff Malott in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Puck retreived by Luke Hughes. Luke Hughes is hit by Austin Watson. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Drew OConnor moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Adam Ginning in Blood Miners zone. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Samuel Walker in Blood Miners zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass to Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Adam Ginning in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners.

Time : 18. Pass by Rourke Chartier intercepted by Rem Pitlick. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Lassi Thomson intercepted by Chase Priskie. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Ryan Jones.. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Lassi Thomson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Lassi Thomson moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Drew OConnor. Pass by Drew OConnor intercepted by Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass by Rourke Chartier intercepted by Justin Richards. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Ethan De Jong in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Ethan De Jong moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Snap shot by Victor Soderstrom. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Brayden Pachal for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by Filip Kral in neutral zone.

Time : 19. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Puck retreived by Rem Pitlick. Rem Pitlick is hit by Luke Hughes and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen for Blood Miners. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Joona Koppanen moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Arnaud Durandeau, Rem Pitlick, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass by Austin Watson intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Leon Gawanke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Chase Priskie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Drew OConnor. Pass by Drew OConnor intercepted by Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Ryan Jones. in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 0 for Blood Miners vs 0 for Cougars. Shots for this period are 20 for Blood Miners vs 6 for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners.

3rd period

Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Rourke Chartier is ejected from face-off, John Leonard takes his place. John Leonard wins face-off versus Austin Watson in neutral zone. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Kral for Cougars. Slapshot by Filip Kral. Shot Blocked by Austin Watson. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Kral for Cougars. Slapshot by Filip Kral. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Filip Kral for Cougars. Slapshot by Filip Kral. Deflect By Rourke Chartier. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by John Leonard for Cougars. Wrist shot by John Leonard. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Joona Koppanen for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom is hit by Ross Johnston. Pass to Filip Kral in neutral zone. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Filip Kral moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass by Filip Kral intercepted by Dan Renouf. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Pass to Justin Richards in Cougars zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Minor Penalty to Aapeli Rasanen for Interference. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Chase Priskie are on ice for Blood Miners. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Jones., Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Austin Watson wins face-off versus Ethan De Jong in Cougars zone. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Austin Watson. Wrist shot by Austin Watson. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Riley Tufte, Rourke Chartier are on ice for Cougars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Riley Tufte wins face-off versus Justin Richards in Cougars zone. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in neutral zone.

Time : 1. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Slapshot by Victor Soderstrom. Shot Blocked by Jeffrey Viel. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Blood Miners. Pass to Adam Ginning. Riley Tufte stole the puck from Adam Ginning. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom is hit by Rem Pitlick and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jake Neighbours for Blood Miners. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Chase Priskie are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Tobias Bjornfot. Puck retreived by John Leonard. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Riley Tufte, Rourke Chartier are on ice for Cougars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Ryan Jones., Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Richards. Pass to Chase Priskie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Chase Priskie. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Pass by Ryan Jones. intercepted by Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward.

Time : 2. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Pass to Riley Tufte. Riley Tufte moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Riley Tufte, Rourke Chartier are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Lassi Thomson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Justin Richards. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Chase Priskie are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Riley Tufte, Rourke Chartier are on ice for Cougars. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Tobias Bjornfot. Puck retreived by John Leonard. John Leonard is hit by Austin Watson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson for Blood Miners. Penalty to Aapeli Rasanen is over, Aapeli Rasanen is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Filip Kral intercepted by Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Puck retreived by Joona Koppanen. Joona Koppanen is hit by Cole Koepke and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Adam Ginning, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Arnaud Durandeau loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau for Blood Miners. Snap shot by Arnaud Durandeau. Stopped by Matteus Ward with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Cole Koepke. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound.

Time : 3. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Drew OConnor wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Cougars zone. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Joona Koppanen moves puck in neutral zone. Joona Koppanen moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Drew OConnor. Slapshot by Drew OConnor. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning for Blood Miners. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Lassi Thomson intercepted by Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Ross Johnston. Pass to Justin Richards. Pass to Jeffrey Viel. Pass to Ross Johnston. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Rourke Chartier in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Riley Tufte. Pass by Riley Tufte intercepted by Cam Dineen. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone.

Time : 4. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Luke Hughes in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Luke Hughes moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Snap shot by Aapeli Rasanen. Shot Blocked by Austin Watson. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Walker for Cougars. Snap shot by Samuel Walker. Shot Blocked by Jeff Malott. Free Puck Retrieved by Ethan De Jong for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot. Pass by Tobias Bjornfot intercepted by Luke Hughes. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Luke Hughes intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot. Pass by Tobias Bjornfot intercepted by Damien Giroux. Pass by Damien Giroux intercepted by Jeff Malott. Pass to Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Drew OConnor intercepted by Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Pass by Jeffrey Viel intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen in Cougars zone. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Leon Gawanke. Pass to Justin Richards. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Fagemo, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Puck retreived by Chase Priskie. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Puck retreived by Ryan Jones.. Ryan Jones. is hit by Rem Pitlick and loses puck.

Time : 5. Free Puck Retrieved by Joona Koppanen for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Joona Koppanen moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Chase Priskie in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Chase Priskie moves puck in Cougars zone. Slapshot by Chase Priskie. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Luke Hughes for Cougars. Pass by Luke Hughes intercepted by Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Ethan De Jong. Pass by Ethan De Jong intercepted by Adam Ginning in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Damien Giroux. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Joona Koppanen moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by John Leonard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Ross Johnston intercepted by Ethan De Jong in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, Drew OConnor are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Puck retreived by Riley Tufte. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars.

Time : 6. Pass to Lassi Thomson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Ross Johnston. Ethan De Jong stole the puck from Ross Johnston. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Cam Dineen. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Cam Dineen. Pass by Cam Dineen intercepted by Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Arnaud Durandeau, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Icing by John Leonard. Arnaud Durandeau wins face-off versus Aapeli Rasanen in Cougars zone. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Ryan Jones.. Pass to Ethan De Jong in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Leon Gawanke. Puck retreived by Rourke Chartier. Pass by Rourke Chartier intercepted by Chase Priskie. Pass by Chase Priskie intercepted by Riley Tufte. Pass by Riley Tufte intercepted by Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Leon Gawanke. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Drew OConnor.

Time : 7. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Off-side. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Rourke Chartier in neutral zone. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in Cougars zone. Wrist shot by Samuel Fagemo. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Blood Miners. Slapshot by Dan Renouf. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for Blood Miners. Backhand shot by Cole Koepke. Goal by Cole Koepke - Blood Miners : 1 - Cougars : 1. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Austin Watson in neutral zone. Pass to Filip Kral. Filip Kral moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Wrist shot by Victor Soderstrom. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by John Leonard for Cougars. Wrist shot by John Leonard. Goal by John Leonard - Blood Miners : 1 - Cougars : 2. Rourke Chartier is ejected from face-off, Joona Koppanen takes his place. Austin Watson is ejected from face-off, Jeff Malott takes his place. Joona Koppanen wins face-off versus Jeff Malott in neutral zone. Pass to John Leonard. John Leonard moves puck in Blood Miners zone. John Leonard loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rourke Chartier for Cougars. Snap shot by Rourke Chartier. Deflect By Joona Koppanen. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Joona Koppanen for Cougars. Slapshot by Joona Koppanen. Stopped by Antoine Bibeau with a rebound. Free Puck Retrieved by Rourke Chartier for Cougars. Pass by Rourke Chartier intercepted by Austin Watson. Pass to Cole Koepke. Cole Koepke moves puck in neutral zone. Cole Koepke loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Rourke Chartier for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to John Leonard in Blood Miners zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Puck retreived by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Austin Watson.

Time : 8. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Samuel Walker. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Pass to Ethan De Jong in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Ross Johnston in Cougars zone. Pass to Justin Richards. Justin Richards loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning for Blood Miners. Pass to Justin Richards. Snap shot by Justin Richards. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Dan Renouf. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #4 - Victor Soderstrom, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Cole Koepke wins face-off versus Rourke Chartier in Cougars zone. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Snap shot by Arnaud Durandeau. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Rourke Chartier wins face-off versus Cole Koepke in Cougars zone. Pass to John Leonard. John Leonard moves puck in neutral zone. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Samuel Fagemo in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Arnaud Durandeau moves puck in Cougars zone. Snap shot by Arnaud Durandeau. Shot Misses the Net. Free Puck Retrieved by Riley Tufte for Cougars. Pass by Riley Tufte intercepted by Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Pass by Samuel Fagemo intercepted by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Minor Penalty to Austin Watson for Holding. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Rem Pitlick are on ice for Blood Miners. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Chase Priskie are on ice for Blood Miners. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Joona Koppanen, Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Soderstrom, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Cole Koepke is ejected from face-off, Rem Pitlick takes his place. Rem Pitlick wins face-off versus Joona Koppanen in Blood Miners zone. Pass to Cole Koepke.

Time : 9. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jake Neighbours, Jeffrey Viel are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in Blood Miners zone. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Joona Koppanen. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Tufte, Drew OConnor, Rourke Chartier are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Rem Pitlick are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Chase Priskie intercepted by Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Puck retreived by Tobias Bjornfot. Tobias Bjornfot is hit by Victor Soderstrom and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Ryan Jones. for Cougars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Kral, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to Drew OConnor. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Joona Koppanen, Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot. Pass to Cole Koepke in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Rem Pitlick are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick in Cougars zone. Pass to Justin Richards. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Lassi Thomson. Pass to John Leonard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Tufte, Drew OConnor, Rourke Chartier are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Richards. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jake Neighbours, Jeffrey Viel are on ice for Blood Miners. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Puck retreived by Drew OConnor. Pass to Rourke Chartier in neutral zone.

Time : 10. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Joona Koppanen, Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #1 - Victor Soderstrom, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeffrey Viel. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Rem Pitlick are on ice for Blood Miners. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Tufte, Drew OConnor, Rourke Chartier are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #2 - Jake Neighbours, Jeffrey Viel are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Joona Koppanen, Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by John Leonard. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass to Jake Neighbours in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Rem Pitlick are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #1 - Riley Tufte, Drew OConnor, Rourke Chartier are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Puck retreived by Ryan Jones.. Ryan Jones. is hit by Arnaud Durandeau and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning for Blood Miners. Penalty Kill Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Chase Priskie are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Ryan Jones.. Pass to Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. PowerPlay Forward Lineup #2 - Joona Koppanen, Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. PowerPlay Defense Lineup #2 - Filip Kral, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau in neutral zone. Penalty Kill Forward Lineup #1 - Cole Koepke, Rem Pitlick are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Puck retreived by John Leonard. Pass to Filip Kral. Pass to Lassi Thomson in neutral zone. Penalty to Austin Watson is over, Austin Watson is back on ice. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Damien Giroux are on ice for Cougars.

Time : 11. Free Puck Retrieved by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cam Dineen. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Pass to Samuel Walker. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Pass to Filip Kral in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Puck retreived by Cam Dineen. Cam Dineen is hit by Lassi Thomson and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Cole Koepke for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Cole Koepke moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cole Koepke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Pass to Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Puck retreived by Victor Soderstrom. Victor Soderstrom is hit by Dan Renouf and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeffrey Viel for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Austin Watson, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to John Leonard in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Cam Dineen. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Aapeli Rasanen intercepted by Chase Priskie in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Luke Hughes in neutral zone.

Time : 12. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass by Arnaud Durandeau intercepted by Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Joona Koppanen. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Filip Kral. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Austin Watson, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Tobias Bjornfot intercepted by Damien Giroux in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Damien Giroux. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Lassi Thomson, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, Drew OConnor are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Tobias Bjornfot intercepted by Rourke Chartier. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Riley Tufte are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Ross Johnston intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Ethan De Jong, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass by Cole Koepke intercepted by John Leonard in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Aapeli Rasanen, Damien Giroux, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Samuel Walker, Damien Giroux, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Pass to Lassi Thomson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Cole Koepke. Pass to Samuel Fagemo in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners.

Time : 13. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Lassi Thomson intercepted by Justin Richards. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Samuel Fagemo, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Pass by Ryan Jones. intercepted by Austin Watson in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Austin Watson. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Samuel Walker. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Pass by Samuel Fagemo intercepted by Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Damien Giroux, Filip Kral, Reilly Walsh are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Ryan Jones. in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Damien Giroux, Reilly Walsh, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ryan Jones.. Puck retreived by Chase Priskie. Chase Priskie is hit by Reilly Walsh. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rourke Chartier, Joona Koppanen, Drew OConnor are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Aapeli Rasanen, Samuel Walker, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Justin Richards in Cougars zone. Pass to Ross Johnston. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass by Victor Soderstrom intercepted by Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Dan Renouf.

Time : 14. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, Drew OConnor are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Victor Soderstrom moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by Luke Hughes. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, Drew OConnor are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Rem Pitlick, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Rourke Chartier. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Xavier Simoneau, Joona Koppanen, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Austin Watson, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Jeff Malott intercepted by John Leonard in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #4 - Samuel Walker, Joona Koppanen, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeff Malott. Pass to Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #3 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Drew OConnor, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Aapeli Rasanen, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Samuel Fagemo. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Justin Richards, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Aapeli Rasanen, Damien Giroux, Reilly Walsh are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Rem Pitlick in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Watson, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte.

Time : 15. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Drew OConnor, Ethan De Jong, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Adam Ginning. Pass to Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Samuel Fagemo, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Ethan De Jong is hit by Ross Johnston and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Drew OConnor for Cougars. Pass to Brayden Pachal. Pass by Brayden Pachal intercepted by Ross Johnston in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Ross Johnston. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Rem Pitlick, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Ethan De Jong intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rem Pitlick, Arnaud Durandeau, Samuel Fagemo are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Rourke Chartier. Pass by Rourke Chartier intercepted by Tobias Bjornfot in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Clark Bishop, Samuel Fagemo, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Samuel Fagemo, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Riley Tufte in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Aapeli Rasanen, Joona Koppanen, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Riley Tufte. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Clark Bishop, Samuel Fagemo, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Victor Soderstrom. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jeff Malott. Pass by Jeff Malott intercepted by Damien Giroux in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Damien Giroux, Ryan Jones., Reilly Walsh are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Damien Giroux. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen, Reilly Walsh are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Leon Gawanke. Pass to Jeff Malott in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Aapeli Rasanen, Damien Giroux are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Victor Soderstrom. Pass to Drew OConnor in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Joona Koppanen, Ethan De Jong, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Drew OConnor. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Samuel Walker, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Tobias Bjornfot, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners.

Time : 16. Pass by Justin Richards intercepted by John Leonard. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Ethan De Jong, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Koepke, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Filip Kral in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Puck retreived by Cole Koepke. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Arnaud Durandeau moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Pass to Luke Hughes. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Reilly Walsh are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Luke Hughes intercepted by Cam Dineen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Cam Dineen. Normal Forward Lineup #1 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Aapeli Rasanen, Joona Koppanen, Damien Giroux are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Lassi Thomson in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Joona Koppanen, Aapeli Rasanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass by Jake Neighbours intercepted by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen, Samuel Walker are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Reilly Walsh, Roman Schmidt are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Aapeli Rasanen, Damien Giroux, Samuel Walker are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Tobias Bjornfot. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Koepke, Arnaud Durandeau, Samuel Fagemo are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Tobias Bjornfot intercepted by Samuel Walker in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Samuel Walker. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Samuel Fagemo. Pass by Samuel Fagemo intercepted by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Joona Koppanen, Ryan Jones., Samuel Walker are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Samuel Walker, Lassi Thomson, Xavier Simoneau are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Arnaud Durandeau. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeffrey Viel in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeffrey Viel. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Roman Schmidt. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Roman Schmidt intercepted by Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Dan Renouf.

Time : 17. Puck retreived by Riley Tufte. Riley Tufte is hit by Rem Pitlick. Pass by Riley Tufte intercepted by Jeff Malott in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by John Leonard. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Ethan De Jong, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Pass by John Leonard intercepted by Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Koepke, Arnaud Durandeau, Samuel Fagemo are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Aapeli Rasanen, Victor Soderstrom, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Koepke, Samuel Fagemo, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Aapeli Rasanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Aapeli Rasanen. Puck retreived by Samuel Fagemo. Pass by Samuel Fagemo intercepted by Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Ethan De Jong, Joona Koppanen are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Luke Hughes, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Dan Renouf. Pass by Dan Renouf intercepted by Ethan De Jong in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Ethan De Jong. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Joona Koppanen, Damien Giroux are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Adam Ginning intercepted by Filip Kral in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Ethan De Jong, Aapeli Rasanen are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Arnaud Durandeau. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Rem Pitlick moves puck in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Rem Pitlick. Puck retreived by Luke Hughes. Pass to Filip Kral in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Filip Kral. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Damien Giroux, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Clark Bishop, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jeff Malott in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Koepke, Jeff Malott, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Riley Tufte. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Joona Koppanen, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Pass to Brayden Pachal in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Brayden Pachal. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Damien Giroux, Ryan Jones., Samuel Walker are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau.

Time : 18. Pass to Jeff Malott. Pass to Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Watson, Rem Pitlick, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Chase Priskie, Leon Gawanke are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rem Pitlick, Samuel Fagemo, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Drew OConnor, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #3 - Lassi Thomson, Ryan Jones. are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Joona Koppanen, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Jeff Malott. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Austin Watson, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass by Jeff Malott intercepted by Joona Koppanen in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Joona Koppanen. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rourke Chartier, Drew OConnor, Ethan De Jong are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Antoine Bibeau. Pass to Austin Watson. Pass to Justin Richards in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Clark Bishop, Jeffrey Viel, Arnaud Durandeau are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Justin Richards. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Clark Bishop, Arnaud Durandeau, Samuel Fagemo are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Drew OConnor. Pass by Drew OConnor intercepted by Adam Ginning in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Cole Koepke, Jeffrey Viel, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Leon Gawanke, Cam Dineen are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Adam Ginning. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Rem Pitlick, Arnaud Durandeau, Jeff Malott are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to Ryan Jones.. Pass by Ryan Jones. intercepted by Leon Gawanke in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Clark Bishop, Samuel Fagemo, Cole Koepke are on ice for Blood Miners. Normal Defense Lineup #1 - Adam Ginning, Dan Renouf are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Leon Gawanke. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Austin Watson, Cole Koepke, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Lassi Thomson. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Aapeli Rasanen, Riley Tufte, John Leonard are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Pass by Lassi Thomson intercepted by Dan Renouf in neutral zone. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Dan Renouf. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Justin Richards, Jeffrey Viel, Ross Johnston are on ice for Blood Miners. Puck retreived by Matteus Ward. Pass to John Leonard. Pass to Victor Soderstrom in neutral zone. Normal Forward Lineup #2 - Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen, Filip Kral are on ice for Cougars. Normal Defense Lineup #2 - Brayden Pachal, Reilly Walsh are on ice for Cougars. Puck is dumped in Blood Miners zone by Victor Soderstrom. Last Minute Defensive Line - Damien Giroux, Joona Koppanen, Victor Soderstrom are on ice for Cougars. Free Puck Retrieved by Dan Renouf. Last Minute Offensive Line - Clark Bishop, Rem Pitlick, Jake Neighbours are on ice for Blood Miners. Leon Gawanke, Chase Priskie are on ice for Blood Miners. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Rem Pitlick moves puck in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Puck is dumped in Cougars zone by Jake Neighbours.

Time : 19. Puck retreived by Joona Koppanen. Joona Koppanen is hit by Jake Neighbours and loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie for Blood Miners. Blood Miners, Antoine Bibeau is pulled from the net. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass by Rem Pitlick intercepted by Reilly Walsh. Pass to Damien Giroux. Pass by Damien Giroux intercepted by Clark Bishop in neutral zone. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours in Cougars zone. Backhand shot by Jake Neighbours. Shot Blocked by Reilly Walsh. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie for Blood Miners. Wrist shot by Chase Priskie. Deflect By Rem Pitlick. Stopped by Matteus Ward without a rebound. Glen Gulutzan call a timeout for Blood Miners. Filip Kral, Lassi Thomson are on ice for Cougars. Damien Giroux wins face-off versus Clark Bishop in Cougars zone. Pass to Lassi Thomson. Leon Gawanke stole the puck from Lassi Thomson. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Jake Neighbours loses puck. Free Puck Retrieved by Chase Priskie for Blood Miners. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours. Pass to Rem Pitlick. Pass to Jake Neighbours.

Time : 20. End of Period. Goals for this period are 1 for Blood Miners vs 1 for Cougars. Shots for this period are 7 for Blood Miners vs 7 for Cougars.